A Matchbox Super Chase? WHY?

Matchbox Super Chase 2021

Matchbox Super Chase 2021

Coming in just a few months as part of the basic range will be this ”Super Chase” vehicle!  Great design and very eye catching colour combination for the tampo printing and paired with premium wheels this is certainly one very sexy looking car.  But still I ask why?  Why do Mattel feel the need to continually erode the heritage of the Matchbox name?

One of the great things (and there are many) about Matchbox and collecting Matchbox is that the ridiculous idea of chase vehicles has been left to their stablemate Hot Wheels.  I know a lot of the Hot Wheels collectors like this idea and thats fine, but keep it as your thing, as I talk to collectors from around the world, there are many in fact I would go so far as to say the majority that love Matchbox do so for its realism, lack of stupid fantasy cars and lack of Treasure Hunts or chase cars, basically all the things Hot Wheels stands for.

Matchbox Super Chase 2021 Matchbox Super Chase 2021

I understand that for Mattel having the two largest brands of small scale miniatures in the world must be hard to manage but surely embracing their uniqueness and their inherent differences is a far better strategy than making them both the same or making one; Matchbox, a cheap imitation of the other or maybe thats the plan.

Matchbox Super Chase 2021

Matchbox Super Chase 2021

What do you think? Tell me in the comments if you think this is a good way forward for the brand?



Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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