MB974 : Cadillac One

Model Details
Brand Cadillac
Model One
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB974
Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One (Cadillac Series)

Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One (Cadillac Series)

Based on the real life one off vehicle built by Cadillac for the US president this one seems like a strange choice for Mattel to choose. In a similar vein to the MB1197 Banana Car in as much as yes its a real vehicle but its future possibilities for the Matchbox range are limited by that very fact.  Many times over the years Mattel offer the excuse that the ever increasing use of plastic, the limited tampo strikes and basically anything that lowers the cost of production and shipping is because of the huge costs to bring a model to completion.

It does make you wonder with startup costs of tens if not hundreds of thousands of pounds why they choose models like these and this can be evidenced by the fact that in 6 years this casting has only be released 3 times and 2 of those are the same version.

Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One
Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One
Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One (2016 Basic Range)

Matchbox MB974 : Cadillac One (2016 Basic Range)


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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