MB1169 : 1980 Mercedes-Benz W 123 Wagon

Model Details
Brand Mercedes-Benz
Model W123 Wagon
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB1169

Matchbox MB1169 : 1980 Mercedes-Benz W 123 WagonReleased as #53 in the 2021 basic range is the latest outing for the Mercedes W123 Wagon. A beautiful small scale version of a classic car found at one point on almost any street anywhere in the world.

This is great looking model and once again the new detailed tampo prints really make this a must have addition to any small scale diecast collection.  The rear highlights with the number plate and Mercedes logo hit the spot and the front headlight design is a classic example of how proper detailing can make the difference compare to the plain white blobs which is what was used in the past on head lights.

 Matchbox MB1169 : 1980 Mercedes-Benz W 123 Wagon Matchbox MB1169 : 1980 Mercedes-Benz W 123 Wagon


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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