MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck

Matchbox MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck

Matchbox MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck (2021 Basic Range)

Normally I wouldn’t be overly impressed with an all black vehicle but in this case I think it works and it works well.

This is the 4th outing for the Subaru Sambar Truck casting since its initial release in the 2019 basic range and as a commercial vehicle the all black colouring is very believable and looks good, complimented by the grey interior and smoke windows this is overall a very nice looking little truck.

Matchbox MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck Matchbox MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck
Model Details
Brand Subaru
Model Sambar Truck
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB1188

Matchbox MB1188 : Subaru Sambar Truck



Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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