MB1225 : ´19 Ford Ranger

Model Details
Brand Ford
Model Range(2019)
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB1225

Matchbox MB1225 : ´19 Ford RangerNow this is more like it, after the last two days of darkness (all black vehicles) its nice to see that all is not lost.  This one is a great cast with its opening bonnet and tailgate making it quite a good model and the chosen body colour of blue certainly makes the model more attractive to look at.
The source model being a modern vehicle is great to see as well, this for me is what its all about; a great example of a modern vehicle in a realistic colour choice that will appeal to kids & collectors alike.

Matchbox MB1225 : ´19 Ford Ranger Matchbox MB1225 : ´19 Ford Ranger

Matchbox MB1225 : ´19 Ford Ranger


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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