MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S

Model Details
Brand Austin
Model Mini Cooper 1275S
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB765
Matchbox MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S (2021 Basic Range)

Matchbox MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S (2021 Basic Range)

Who doesn’t love the Mini?  This is one of those cars that in real life surely everyone loves it, if not for the beauty of the car itself but for the way it has become ingrained into the history and culture of the automobile.

This year in the 2021 basic range we again get to see this little beauty in a gorgeous baby blue colour with a white checked roof, I love this model as I am sure you will, it really does represent a period in the worlds motoring history so well and represents another great casting from the Mattel design team.

Matchbox MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S Matchbox MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S

Matchbox MB765 : 1969 Austin Mini Cooper 1275S


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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