MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV

Model Details
Brand Holden
Model VE Ute SSV
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB807
Matchbox MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV

Matchbox MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV (2021 Basic Range)

After a short absence we finally get another Holden Ute, as an Aussie myself I am probably biased towards this vehicle to begin with or maybe I am overly critical because of that.  For me I love this casting, the designers have really managed to captured the look and feel of an Aussie built modern classic, its a shame that mismanagement from General Motors in the USA led to the demise of this one great name; at least through Mattel we can still buy a new uteMatchbox MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV.

Although a huge fan of this casting, and I love to see a new one; I can even overlook the casting change that occurred in 2018, what I cant overlook and its a small issue that has bugged me since the initial release back in 2010 is the way the tail lights are cast into the body (a good thing) but never have the tampo wrap around to make them right.

Matchbox MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV Matchbox MB807 : 2010 Holden VE Ute SSV

In the past the reason offered by Mattel are their rules about how many tampo strikes a model can get, but this model seems to contradict this as the rear has been printed as has the front, but so too have the sides and in doing so they have still missed on getting the tail lights right.  There seems to be no excuse this time other than  they didn’t think about it, which is a shame; it would make this casting so much better.

Of course having said that, this one and a few of his friends will definitely be making there way in to my collection because even with that small issue, this is still a mean looking car and I love it!



Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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