RW046 : Road Scraper

Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road ScraperCarrying on from yesterday I thought what a great model to look at today; not just another Real Working Rig casting but another Matchbox model with the Ranec livery.

I love the way Mattel are using the long running themes like Ranec throughout the model ranges, we seem them turn up on the larger scale Real Working Rigs like this one but also on the miniatures range as well, very clever way to re-use a design which saves them some time and money and also create a whole sub-range for collectors.

I think I have mentioned it when looking at some of the generic miniature Matchbox cars but this is a perfect example of a great casting to be used as a generic; well done Mattel, now if I could only find somewhere to buy it you can have my money

Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road Scraper Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road Scraper
Model Details
Brand: Matchbox Original
Model Road Scraper
Matchbox Catalog Entry: RW046
Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road Scraper Matchbox Real Working Rigs RW046 : Road Scraper


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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