MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe

Model Details
Brand Cadillac
Model CTS Coupe
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB815

Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS CoupeAn exclusive release not seen since 2016 when it last appeared in blue now returns as an exclusive model in one of this years 9 packs.

The exclusive issue is in a nice crisp white colour with black interior, smoke windows and some fantastic tampo printing that highlights the headlights and tail lights.

This is a great model, really well designed and one that I hope we will see more of now that it has been re-introduced into the lineup as we havent seen much of it in the past.

Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe Matchbox MB815 : Cadillac CTS Coupe


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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