Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ Car

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ CarFirst released way back in 1964, this is one of those models that for me epitomizes the Models of Yesteryear range that Matchbox produced for many years.

This model stayed in the Models of Yesteryear range in various forms up until  its 1996 release as part of the 40th Anniversary collection.

Over the years there were over 20 distinct variations although in summary was only released in 3 major variations that of a Red, Cream/White or a Black bodied model. As with many Models of Yesteryear and for that matter any Matchbox model as production continued some changes were made on the fly; in the case of the Model T, originally the brake lever on the side was a double lever which was rapidly changed to a single lever by the time the second variation was released.

When hunting for this one to add to your collection it is advisable to be cautious on what may be classed as a rarity if that description revolves around the plastic parts (Hood, Seats or Grille) as these can easily be swapped out from other models.

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ Car

Issue #03 (1965)

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ Car

Issue #16 (1974)

Model Details
Brand: Ford
Model Model T
Matchbox Catalog Entry: Y01-2

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ Car

Issue #23 (1984)

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y01-2 : 1911 Ford Model ‘T’ Car

American Matchbox Club model


Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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