MB1091 : 2009 International eStar

Model Details
Brand: International
Model eStar
Matchbox Catalog Entry: MB1091
International eStar

International eStar

What can you say about this one? For me its an uninspiring and boring design but that is not the fault of Mattel, that issue lies squarely with International themselves for it is them that designed this van, of course what else can you expect to be fair. A delivery van is just that and nothing more, its not a fashion statement and not meant to win any design competitions it is simply a means to transport bulk goods from point A to point B and in that case this fits the bill perfectly.

It seems electric vehicles are the way of the future and it is only right that Matchbox have one in their range and this is a nice one to choose for that purpose.  For the 2021 basic range in position #59 we see this typically white version as you would expect of a delivery van, the tampo design with the branding of ”DCM Worlds in Minature” is a great advertisement for Matchbox itself and is quite nice on the van.

Sadly I think the model is let down by the use of the blue windows which is unrealistic, this model would be better served with smoke coloured windows instead but its only a small complaint, the overall model is still quite nice.

Matchbox MB1091 : 2009 International eStar Matchbox MB1091 : 2009 International eStar
Matchbox MB1091 : 2009 International eStar Matchbox MB1091 : 2009 International eStar



Collector of Matchbox cars for many years

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